
The 12 important Yoga poses for beginners

The important Yoga  poses for beginners

These yoga for beginners poses are for:

  • Beginners looking to get flexible
  • Those who wish to be happier
  • Relief from lower back pains.
  • Boost in weightloss

The important yoga for beginners

1. Warrior 1

( virabhadrasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This yoga for beginners pose, is perfect for you, if you are looking to strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders of the arms while also strecthing your lungs, chest and groin.
You should try to hold pose for about 1 min.
  • stand straight on your mat and step one foot forward as the other is left behind.
  • In the fair lunge position, raise your hands up straight touching each other.
  • Turn the foot behind sideways, then raise your head and look up, with your chest facing the ceiling.
  • Repeat on other leg, hold each pose for 30 secs.

2. Warrior 2

(virabhadrasana 2)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This pose will help strengthen your knees and ankles, stretch the chest and lungs, help relieve backpain, lastly help increase stamina.
  • While in the same fair lounge position, spread your arms out parrallel to the ground.
  • Then turn your upper body side ways facing the direction of your left leg behind.
  • Make sure you palm is facing the floor, but you can rotate it upwards slowly when your shoulders feel heavy, then rotate again to face the floor.
  • Repeat on other leg, hold each pose for 30secs.

3. Warrior 3

(virabhadrasana 3)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This is one of the challenging poses I talked about at the beginning, so I want you relax and breath in and out.
Because,there is a tendency for beginners to hold their breath in this pose and there will be alot of shaking while in this pose.
This is one of the yoga for beginners poses that hold a principal role to improve balance and posture while it will also strengthen your back muscles, legs knees and shoulders.
  • Stand straight on your mat, then bend half way forward with your back straight.
  • Strecth your hands forward touching, hold a clap with your hands
  • Stretch right or left leg out backwards straight.
  • Repeat on other foot, Hold pose for 5-15secs.

4. Reverse warrior

(viparita virabhadrasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
Another one of the challenge poses, if you find it difficult to do just skip it and try others.
This yoga for beginners pose will help you build strength in your lower body, also it will help you stretch your torso and arms.
  • We continue from the warrior 2 pose, lay your right hand on your right leg behind.
  • stretch out your left hand upward, bend it backwards slowly and spread out your fingers with your palm facing the floor.
  • Inhale and look up straigth, hold about 3 breaths then release yourself as you exhale then return to warrior 2 pose.
  • Hold pose for 15-30 secs, then repeat on other leg.

5. Downward facing dog

(adho mukha svanasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
There are so many benefits you can get from this simple yoga pose including
  • Relieve from stress, headaches, fatique, insomnia
  • Relieve from backpains, and early depression.
  • strecthing of the shoulders, hamstrings, hands and calves etc.
  • start by kneeling on your mat with your arms forward.
  • Lift up your body with strength from you lower belly.
  • Guide your head with your arms as it hangs between them .
  • Inhale and exhale , hold pose for about 3 minutes.

6. Upward facing dog

(urdhva mukha svanasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This pose will help relieve sciatica pain, fatigue and mild depression, while stregthening and stretching the upper body, chest area and promoting good posture.
Also this pose is good for improving breathing.
  • start by laying flat on you mat, with you palms flat on the floor and in the same line with your shoulders.
  • Lift your upper body upwards with strength from you arms .
  • Inhale and look upward, make sure your arms are straight not bent.
  • Allow you feet to extend as they rest on the floor, don’t stand your toes.
  • Hold pose for about 1 min .

7. Chair pose

Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
Looks simple enough, but this is a powerful and fierce pose, as a beginner you should perform this pose close to a wall so when you lean forward your tailbone still touches the wall slightly for balance.
Chair pose can help reduce flat feet, and stretches the chest and shoulders while also strengthening the spines, calves ankles and thighs.
  • start by standing straight (tadasana) on your mat,
  • now close up your legs and bend slightly, like you’re about to sit on an imaginary chair.
  • Lift your arms up straight(not directly above your head) close you hands at the top
  • Now lift up your head and look straight at your hands or look diagonally
  • hold pose for about 30secs to a min

8. Revolved chair pose

( parivvrtta utkatasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This yoga for beginners pose will help to increase flexibility around the waist and increase endurance, posture and balance. Also this pose can help you detoxify your body and tone your thighs and buttocks.
  • So we continue from chair pose
  • revolved you waist to the right, as you touch your left thigh with your right ankle,
  • You can also stretch your right hand to touch the floor and left arm straight up into the air
  • you can look down at the floor, sideways or upstraight.
  • try to keep your thighs closed together as possible and try to maintain a parrallel line between your thigh and the floor
  • hold pose for 30 secs

9. Standing half forward bend

( Ardha uttanasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
This intense stretch will help improve posture while mostly stregthening the back and stretching the front torso.
it might not be possible to touch the floor easily on this pose, so should try using a yoga block.
  • Start by standing straight on your mat.
  • bend forward splitting body in half, try pressing your palm into the floor.
  • you might not be able to maintain a straight knee at first, so when you feel comfortable enough try to straigthen your knee.
  • You can either look straight ahead if you can, but you’d have to arch your back.
  • Hold pose for about 1 min if you can.

10. Forward bend pose

Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
The intense forward bend can help you relieve headaches and insomnia, also helps to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. Most of all you’re stretching your calves, hamstrings and hips while also stregthening your thighs and knees.
  • start by standing straight on your mat.
  • Bend straight and slowly to touch the floor with your palms flat
  • then continue the fold until the top of your head is directly above ground.
  • you can rest you palm on the floor or hold on to your legs for a tighter fold .
  • Breath and hold pose for about 30secs to 1 minute.

11. Plank pose

(adho mukha dandasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
one of the best yoga for beginners pose is the plank pose, this pose will help strengthen the spine, arms and spine also help to tone the abdomen.
  • start by laying flat on your mat.
  • lift your body straight up with strength from your arms.
  • make sure your arms are straight, and in line with your shoulders.
  • You body weight is lifted by your arms and toes, Don’t extend your feet to lay flat.
  • maintain slant position from head to knee, look straight down at the floor or look straight ahead.

12. Four limbed staff pose

(chuturanga dandasana)
Yoga for beginners, the workout, stretches and poses you can do for flexibiliity and for weight loss
The four limbed staff pose holds the same benefits with the plank pose only it looks a little intense than the former.

  • from the plank pose, you extend your body forward.
  • bend your arms by allowing you arms (from shoulder to elbow) make a parralel line with the floor.
  • Look straight ahead and breath. You body weight is now rested on you your shoulders, elbow and toes.

1 Response to "The 12 important Yoga poses for beginners "

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